[lug] Press Draft

David Emile Lamy delamy at uswest.net
Fri Nov 5 11:39:58 MST 1999

Speaking frankly, that is one terrible press draft.  I am not at all happy
to see BLUG listed as one of the authors for the following reasons:

(1) Derogatory terms such as Micro$oft, Winblows or Windoze do not tarnish
the image of Microsoft, only the author using them.

(2) Avoid colloquialisms such as "dog and pony show".  Describe the event
accurately and say what you are doing in relation to it.

(3) Lastly, what distributions are you distributing?  Are these 'Linux
Mall' or 'Cheapbytes' images of freely available Linux, or donated
commercial value-added distributions from Suse, Caldera or Red Hat?  

I do see the humor in providing a first class operating system free of
charge at a Microsoft event, especially in lieu of Microsoft's newly
proposed pricing based upon the number of authenticated users.  However,
the emphasis is only on the "free lunch" aspect rather than the "freedom"
that makes a distribution such as KRUD possible.  

To me, a LUG should endorse and help facilitate "freedom".  I think
information about Linux web sites, install-fests, and user-groups is the
value that BLUG should provide.  I'm sure that Red Hat, Suse, Corel, and
Caldera, et al, can provide far more effective marketing extravaganzas
in response.

   __o   Free software is a state of an open mind.  Enhance everyone's 
 _`\<,_  state: use it, share it, and develop it.  
(*)/ (*) David Emile Lamy             delamy at uswest.net
	 pgp key available at http://pgp5.ai.mit.edu/~bal

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