[lug] Licq process's?

Justin glowecon at netscape.net
Fri Nov 26 12:38:16 MST 1999

I just got Licq version 0.71. up and running a few days ago but yesterday I
noticed something kinda weird. When I start up licq it opens multiple
process's to run. When I look at it right now it appears to be running in 5
seperate process's. 
glowecon   882  0.0  4.1  7700 2636 tty1     S    Nov25   0:00 licq
glowecon   883  0.0  4.1  7700 2636 tty1     S    Nov25   0:00 licq
glowecon   884  0.0  4.1  7700 2636 tty1     S    Nov25   0:00 licq
glowecon   885  0.0  4.1  7700 2636 tty1     S    Nov25   0:00 licq
glowecon   886  0.0  4.1  7700 2636 tty1     S    Nov25   0:09 licq

I have tested killing each process from the lowest number up to the highest
and after I kill the first process it seems to stop working. However, the licq
interface and icon still remain on my desktop until the last process is
killed. Has anyone else experienced this? Is it normal? I wouldn't think much
of this but it kinda takes up a bit of memory for licq, as you can see above.
Thanks for any help


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