[lug] all CNAME'd domain dns troubles

Andrew Diederich andrew at NETdelivery.com
Wed Jan 19 16:05:14 MST 2000

I've looked about in DNS and Bind 2nd edition a bit, but haven't found what
I need.  My company owns several domain names, but I want them all to point
to the same servers.  Example: if you go to www.netdelivery.com and
www.movia.com they should go to the same server.  I'm using Bind 4.9 on a
SuSE 6.3 box.  

The things I have tried are putting the movia.com entry in the
db.netdelivery.com zone file as a CNAME, and putting the movia.com entry in
its own db.movia.com file.  In the db.netdelivery.com file, it looks like
; Aliases
movia.com.    IN      CNAME   www3.NETdelivery.com.

and in the db.movia.com file, it looks like this:
$ORIGIN com.
movia     IN      SOA     lexicon.NETdelivery.com. andrew.NETdelivery.com. (
                2000011900      ; Serial
                10800           ; Refresh after 3 hours
                3600            ; Retry after 1 hour
                604800          ; Expire after 1 week
                86400 )         ; Min TTL of 1 day
; Name servers
        IN      NS      lexicon.NETdelivery.com.
$ORIGIN movia.com.
; Addresses for Canonical names
localhost       IN      A
; Aliases
movia.com.      IN      CNAME   www3.NETdelivery.com.
www.movia.com.  IN      CNAME   www3.NETdelivery.com.

When I try it the first way, /var/log/messages tells me:
Jan 19 15:02:47 lexicon named[4481]: db.netdelivery.com:52: data
"www.movia.com" outside zone "netdelivery.com" (ignored)

When I try it the second way, /var/log/messages tells me:
Jan 19 15:31:15 lexicon named[4613]: movia.com has CNAME and other data
Jan 19 15:31:15 lexicon last message repeated 4 times
Jan 19 15:31:15 lexicon named[4613]: primary zone "movia.com" loaded (serial

Which does allow me to do an nslookup on movia.com, but I think that it
kills the mx record/mailing thing. 

I guess I could set up A records for this, but that seems to be an inelegant
solution, and then I have to set up exchange *shudder* to accept these other
addresses.  Any ideas?

-Andrew Diederich
andrew at netdelivery.com

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