[lug] Strange network happenings (fwd)

Ryan Kirkpatrick rkirkpat at nag.cs.colorado.edu
Tue Mar 14 07:18:40 MST 2000

On Mon, 13 Mar 2000, David Morris wrote:

> As I said, very strange indeed...for instance, although the sites that will 
> choose to not load changes from session to session, www.intuit.com is 
> fairly consistant in not wanting to load.  If I have the problem in one 
> browser, I can absolutely guarentee I will have the problem in any other 
> browser I care to try as well...

	That site works fine from both Linux and Windows machines behind
my firewall/masq machine (Debian 2.0, 2.0.35). Actually, I have never hit
a site I can not view from behind my firewall, but could from a directly
connected computer.

> > FWIW, my mother's computer has a problem loading some web pages with Netscape,
> > while my dad's computer has no problem at all with the same pages.  They both
> > connect via a Linux firewall/ip masq gateway to the Internet - with the same
> > settings.  In such a case the only thing I can think of is that Mom's Windows
> > box has some incompatible DLL, since the network settings are identical.
> Hmm...you do have a point about the DLLs.  A corrupted DLL somewhere can 
> produce some *very* strange effects, so perhaps it is time to re-install 
> Win95 again...I must say, I much prefer LINUX where I do not have to reinstall
> the system every few months!

	I would second that it might be DLLs or just another stupid
windows trick. My Windows box is Win98, but pretty much clean as I don't
install much (or even use it much). Though, I have used a few Windows
machines in the past that had a very similar problem, only they were
directly connected to the Internet (via ethernet/LAN). One such instance
was just a few days in the school computer labs... An NT4 machine could
telnet to a linux server just fine, but when I try and direct IE (4 or 5,
don't remember) towards it, it would time out with an error. Yet it could
browse the local school's server with no problem. And the linux server's
web server was working fine (two NT boxes could reached it fine).
	I would try reinstalling the Windows box before you spend time
pulling your hair out with the Linux box. :) 
	My two cents.

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."                    |
|                                            --- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)   |
|   Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  |  http://www.rkirkpat.net/   |

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