[lug] OS Sniffer site?

B. Allyn ballyn at catacom.com
Mon Apr 10 15:29:42 MDT 2000

Also, http://www.netcraft.com/whats/ is a quick way to check OS/web server
platform... It won't show you open ports on the system you're probing like
nmap does, though... :)


Apparently, on 4/10/00 3:20 PM, Gregg Phillips at phillips at fsl.noaa.gov

nmap can be found at www.nmap.org.



Cory Dekker wrote: 
While we're on the subject of cool sites...

At the firewall talk last month, someone made mention of a
software package or site that had an uncanny ability to sniff
your site and tell you, with annoying accuracy, what OS you
are running, often down to the point release.

I've checked the web site, and Kevin's paper, and couldn't
find any mention of it.  Does anyone remember the name of
the package/web-site?


bill ehlert wrote: 

> recently came across 4 sites, 3 of which i had
> not been aware of.  thought members of these
> luglists might find them interesting and/or useful.
> the latter two are "support sites" for the books
> whose titles are indicated.
> Ken Coar                   <http://Golux.Com/coar/>
> Apache Software Foundation  <http://www.apache.org/>
> "Apache Server for Dummies"
> <http://Apache-Server.Com/>
> "Apache Server Unleashed" <http://ApacheUnleashed.Com/>
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Gregg Phillips                              phillips at fsl.noaa.gov
NOAA/OAR/FSL                                Lead Sys. Admin.
R/E/FS                                      STA Inc.
325 Broadway                                voice: (303) 497-7685
Boulder, CO 80303  USA                      fax:   (303) 497-6064

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