[lug] Need help with public DNS

Calvin Dodge caldodge at fpcc.net
Wed Jun 21 10:49:57 MDT 2000

Hector M Banda wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm kind of lost getting public DNS (granitecanyon.com) to work for my
> new site.
> This is how the configuration looks at gratecanyon site:
>     lasespeciales.com.  IN  NS ns1.granitecanyon.com.
>     lasespeciles.com.  IN  NS ns2.granitecanyon.com.
>     lasespeciales.com. IN RP hector.lasespeciales.com.


These look like excerpts from the granite canyon servers. As I mentioned
before, the granite canyon servers are NOT returning any info for the
lasespeciales.com domain, so I'm convinced the problem is with the granite
canyon servers, rather than with your Red Hat installation.

Here's the evidence - after trying to do an nslookup on lasespeciales.com, my
system log shows the following line:

"Lame server on 'lasespeciales.com' (in 'lasespeciales.COM'?):

That means "ns1.granitecanyon.com" is SUPPOSED to be the primary name server
for lasespeciales.com, but when I actually ASK ns1.granitecanyon.com, it says
"no I'm not".

Would you be willing to send me the ENTIRE zone file from granite canyon, and
the line in its /etc/named.conf which refers to that zone file?

As an example, here's the lines from artbylaura.com, which I set up for a

First, /etc/named.conf 

options {
        directory "/var/named";
zone "." {
        type hint;
        file "named.ca";
zone "artbylaura.com"{
        type master;
        file "named.artbylaura";
zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa"{
        type master;
        file "named.local";
zone "11.1.24.in-addr.arpa"{
        type master;
        file "24.1.11";

Note that it mentions the zone "artbylaura.com", and tells named what file
contains that zone's information.  Does Granite Canyon have a reference like

Now here's "named.artbylaura":

@               30M IN  SOA     artbylaura.com. hostmaster.artbylaura.com. (
                        2000042101 ; serial
                        28800 ; refresh
                        14400 ; retry
                        3600000 ; expire
                        86400 ; default_ttl

        NS              ns
        MX      10      ns
ns      CNAME           @
mail    CNAME           @
www	CNAME		@

So if you ping ns.artbylaura.com, mail.artbylaura.com, www.artbylaura.com, or
just plain artbylaura.com, you'll get the same address.

Anyway, I really do suspect a configuration problem on the granite canyon


Calvin Dodge
Certified Linux Bigot

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