[lug] Linux Fest 2000 Report, Day 2 (fwd)

Kevin kevin at scrye.com
Fri Jun 23 11:16:05 MDT 2000

>>>>> "ljp" == "ljp"  <llornkcor at llornkcor.com> writes:

>> Any day that starts out with firing fully automatic weapons can't
>> be all bad.  A local guy who does training for the police came out
>> with a Mac-5, a Mini-Uzi, and a Tommy gun.  What a blast (no pun
>> intended).  Eric is a fan of .45s, and had a great time again with
>> Kevin's "Grizzly" .45 magnum.  What a beast...

ljp> hmmm, I was under the impression that FULLY automatic ( pull the
ljp> trigger and hold for firing many rounds- semi-> pull trigger for
ljp> each round.) weapons were illegal, unless you happen to be using
ljp> them in conjunction with a military purpose.  These were fired at

Incorrect. They must be liscenced by the BATF, but anyone who can fill
out the approporate paperwork and pay the fees can own some. 
The guy who was there was a manufacturer and had all the approprate
liscences. He was very carefull to instruct everyone in the safe
operations of each firearm before letting anyone use them. 

ljp> this Linux Fest???  If so, perhaps thats why RD bailed. Since
ljp> when do assault weapons have anything to do with Linux?

We were at a range called "the bullet hole" about 15-20min from the
conference center. Very nice safe range. ;)

They both have a lot to do with freedom, but we shouldn't get into a
gun debate on the list. Feel free to mail me directly if you want more

>> Unfortunately, the show seems to just be very disorganized.  Of
>> course, rumors today were flying about *WHY* RedHat pulled out, and
>> the event organizer didn't do anything about working to keep them
>> in control.  It seems like the event hasn't been publicized very
>> well, to the local LUGs, let alone the business community.

ljp> Perhaps RD



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