[lug] LILO becomes LI...

John Starkey jstarkey at advancecreations.com
Sat Nov 11 14:50:42 MST 2000

> > I was cracking up two days ago while defragging a windoze machine. It had
> > to keep restarting the defrag process because the contents of the
> > drive kept changing. I guess it was confusing itself.
> The worse culprit for this is the screen saver ;-).  You should turn it off
> when defragging...

Actually I don't run a screensaver with Windoze. And defrag had the
machine all to itself. It had to restart with every jump in % complete.

I wasn't too worried about it. The only reason I have a Windoze machine is
for work. I can't rely on anything to accurately open Word docs. They have
to be exact since they are sent to me to be coded HTML. The biggest
problem I have is with images.

Any suggestions?

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