[lug] Perl days/dates

Pete Krawczyk pak at unixdba.com
Wed Nov 15 09:27:32 MST 2000

Atkinson, Chip wrote:

> $year = 2000;
   $year -= 1900;

> $mon  = 11;
> $mday  = 4;
> for ($mday = 1; $mday < 11; $mday++)
> {
>   $TIME = timelocal (1, 1, 1, $mday, $mon, $year);
>    print ("\nYear: $year, Month: $mon, Day: $mday");
>    @datestuff = localtime ($TIME);
>    print (" Mon: $datestuff[4]");
>    print (" Year: ", $datestuff[5] + 1900);
>    print (" Wday: ", $days[$datestuff[6]], "\n");
> }

You're currently asking for the year 3900.
timelocal() shouldn't be allowing the year that high.

Hope this helps,
-Pete K
Pete Krawczyk
   UNIX/RDBMS Administrator
   Absolute Performance
   pak at unixdba.com

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