[lug] Boulder Linux Users Group - March 8, 2001 Meeting Summary

J. Wayde Allen wallen at its.bldrdoc.gov
Fri Mar 16 11:06:10 MST 2001

              Boulder Linux User's Group Meeting Summary

Attendance:  approximately 50   


This turned out to be one of our more, shall we say, logistically
challenged meetings.  Our room reservation evidently didn't get entered
into the computer, and as such didn't show up on the security guard's
schedule.  That combined with the visit planned by Secretary of Commerce
Don Evans, and our local Congressmen on the following day, made getting
into the auditorium an interesting challenge.  However, in the end we did
manage to convince the guards to let us have our meeting.

The meeting started with a roughly 10 minute demo of Win4Lin
<http://www.netraverse.com/> given by Chip Atkinson 
<CAtkinson at Circadence.com>.  He showed how he was able to run various
MSWindows applications in the Win4Lin environment inside of Linux.

Our featured presentation was given by Chris Riddoch
<socket at peakpeak.com>, and covered the broad field of document or text
processing.  Chris is a student of Linguistics and Computer Science at
CU/Boulder, and gave a nice overview of the theory and concepts behind
document mark up languages such as TeX, LaTeX, SGML, HTML, and XML while
simultaneously pointing out the various tools available in the Linux
environment.  A copy of his meeting slides can be found on-line at

As usual we wrapped up the meeting with a general Linux question and
answer session, door prize raffle, and after meeting social time.

Next Meeting:  April 12, 2001, 7:00 p.m., NIST Auditorium, 325 Broadway,
               Boulder.  Sean Reifschneider <jafo at tummy.com> will be
               talking about mobile computing with Linux on a laptop with 
               wireless networking.

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