[lug] Wierd Sendmail vs resolv.conf issue.

John Starkey jstarkey at advancecreations.com
Thu Apr 5 01:55:23 MDT 2001

> i.e.:  dig @IP.OF.DNS.SERVER www.yahoo.com
> ... and get a response?

Yeah dig returned the records for yahoo using the DNS I had in there originally..

> If not, adding that server to /etc/resolv.conf will cause you problems.
> At the new site, is there a firewall between you and the remote DNS
> server?  Stuff like that...

I can do DNS lookups using any server i want including the ones I'd entered, that
supposedly caused the problems. So i don't think this would be the case.

> gethostbyaddr is going to do a REVERSE lookup.  Is your sendmail trying
> to reverse resolve itself or other nameservers?  Are there actually
> reverse records in the reverse zones for the new site?

No it's not reversed. nslookup is returning Non-Existent host/domain (is there an
option for arpa? I didn't see one in man nslookup)

But it's doing fine with forward resolve and sendmail now. logins aren't delayed.



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