[lug] Re: switch

Hugh Brown hugh at vecna.com
Tue Jun 12 10:50:22 MDT 2001

Much better.  Thank you.


> >>>>> "Hugh" == Hugh Brown <hugh at vecna.com> writes:
> Hugh> So the moral of the story is that some uplink ports require
> Hugh> crossover cables and some don't.  If one doesn't work try the
> Hugh> other.
> hm.  i'm not quite so fatalistic about it.  if a port on a hub is
> labelled "uplink", it is almost certainly wired as a "nic" port and so
> it takes a straight cable to a normal port on another hub.  on the
> other hand, connecting two uplink ports to each other should require a
> crossover cable.  (read "hub or switch" everywhere i said "hub".)
> maybe a table is in order.
>    one end                    other end
>    ------------       --------------------------
>                       NIC port       
>                       uplink port      hub port
>    NIC port           crossover        straight                      
>    uplink port 
>    hub port           straight         crossover
>    switch port
> better?
> t.

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