[lug] LAN speed

Taz feenix at ticnet.com
Sat Jun 30 18:12:16 MDT 2001

Hi all,

I've got an interesting question here that baffles me.  I an internal
LAN with 3 machines connected through a 10/100 Mb/s switch.  I set up
Samba in Linux and have the Win98 machine shared out.  When I use the
command (in an x-term window):
cp  large_file  /windows_share/
the connection starts out in the 400-500 kb/s range and quickly drops
off to around the 40-50 kb/s range.  For large file x-fers of around
1-2GB this will obviously take a while.  However, when I use the Win98
machine and connect to the smb share on the Linux side, I easily get
4.8-5 Mb/s throughout the entire transfer session.  I moved about 2 GB
of data in under 10 minutes :)
Here's my question:  Why am I getting such slow transfer rates using the
command line?  All other factors remained static except for the
initiating step (command line vs. Win98 GUI).  Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.


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