ATT @home ipaddr's - Was Re: [lug] Qwest DSL and Microsoft

Mark Horning rip6 at
Sat Aug 4 14:26:42 MDT 2001

Calvin Dodge wrote:
> Taz wrote:
> >
> > Just as an FYI, I use ATT @ home.  So far no problems, but I can't seems
> > to figure out DHCP (or pump).  What I did, was go into M$98 and get the
> > ip adress.  I hardcoded linux for the ip.  It has work for about 2 mos
> > now.  I wonder how long I'll be able to keep the ip...
> The IP address _may_ be relatively stable - my brother's @Home-connected
> computer has had the same address for almost a year.

If you run *nix or multiple platforms, ATT @home doesn't require you
to use dhcp...yet. I've had my static ipaddr for close to two years and
mother has had the same ipaddr for over two years, and she converted to 
using dhcp on her w98 box late last year.


Mark Horning
rip6 at

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