[lug] Securing Fetchmail

Scott A. Herod herod at interact-tv.com
Tue Aug 7 15:18:20 MDT 2001

That's the default that comes with RH 7.1.  The idea is that you 
block the bad things and allow everything else.  It is a lot easier
to set up but of course not really secure.  BTW, I suggest _Linux 
Firewalls_ by Robert Ziegler as a good starting place for learning


rotering at animalcules.com wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 07, 2001 at 11:35:15AM -0600, David wrote:
> > So, I have an elementary firewall (courtesy RedHat) and I think that
> > I understand how ipchains work.  But I know that there are gotchas,
> > so how secure is it?
> >        :input ACCEPT
> >        :forward ACCEPT
> >        :output ACCEPT
> Surely you want DENY (or REJECT) in place of ACCEPT here.  Or am I
> missing something glaringly obvious to everyone else?

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