[lug] M$ does it again...down under

Bill Thoen bthoen at ctmap.com
Wed Aug 8 22:08:43 MDT 2001

John Karns wrote:
> Perhaps those people who refurbish the older hardware could be somewhat
> creative in chosing alternatives, for example they might look into the
> availability of the old GUI that was a would-be Windows competitor, GEOS

To be squeaky clean, perhaps they should. To best serve their people
in the long run, perhaps they should too. After all, we're not
talking about a lone hobbyist hacking for grins, but an organized
"charity" group. They ought to be able to muster the skills
necessary to put together working oldjunk PCs with p/d software.
After all, it's what the computer can do for the people which
becomes the bottom line. Or is it?

Maybe it really is *Windows* computers that "impoverished" people
want, not just working computers. If that's the case, then I'd be
happy to see MS stomp these charity groups flat. We shouldn't stand
in the way of MS's desire to encourage developing markets to seek

- Bill Thoen
GISnet, 1401 Walnut St., Suite C, Boulder, CO  80302
tel: 303-786-9961, fax: 303-443-4856
mailto:bthoen at ctmap.com, http://www.ctmap.com/gisnet

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