[lug] runtime link directory specification

Ken Weinert kenw at ihs.com
Tue Sep 4 15:22:32 MDT 2001

There's a slight difference - you might need both of these:

-rpath PATH                 Set runtime shared library search path
-rpath-link PATH            Set link time shared library search path

* D. Stimits (stimits at idcomm.com) [010904 21:14]:
> I can't seem to achieve this with the linux linker options for rpath.
> (The -R of SunOS has instead --rpath on RH 7.1 it seems).

Ken Weinert   kenw at ihs.com 303-858-6956 (V) 303-705-4258 (F)
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test.  Had this been an actual emergency, you'd be writhing on the
ground in unspeakable agony, bleeding from every orifice, with your
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