[lug] SSSCA to make all open source software illegal

D. Stimits stimits at idcomm.com
Sat Oct 20 15:52:03 MDT 2001

Senator Hollings shows complete contempt for the Constitution of the
USA. Perhaps he should have titled this law he is working on as "First
step in removal of Constitution, anyone without proof of innocense
please report to prison now". Sorry, but I'm disgusted by so many
things, this one just makes it official.

D. Stimits, stimits at idcomm.com

Alan Robertson wrote:
> Hi,
> The Walt Disney company (and some others) is sponsoring legislation which
> would make pretty much all open software or hardware which touched any
> digital media data at any point illegal.  Hardware would have to enforce the
> standards too, as I understand it.  Eben Moglen, chief counsel for the Free
> Software Foundation, is succinct: "SSSCA is a deliberate attempt to destroy
> free software."
> He further comments
> "The content industries want to make a leakproof pipe that leads from their
> production facility directly to the eyeball and eardrum of the consumer."
> You can read about it here:
> http://www.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=01/10/19/1546246&mode=thread
> This is a good time to contact your legislators, folks.  This one makes the
> DMCA look like innocent child's play.
>         -- Alan Robertson
>            alanr at unix.sh
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