[lug] Demo ideas for next meeting

Ed Hill ed at eh3.com
Tue Nov 6 10:43:14 MST 2001

Hi folks,

To those who asked for LaTeX examples, I put the following on
one of the machines in our lab last night:


The former is a large (~24M) tarball containing all the examples
and the latter is a web-browsable expanded version of the same.
I've included examples of the following:


and hope they help you get started TeX-ing.  I have many more
such examples and can show off some other helpful \LaTeX tricks
(eg. auto line numbering) if you send me an email.


ps - Please note that the article and dissertation are
      copyrighted and that my posting of these files is
      for the sharing of the \LaTeX formatting information
      that they contain.

dan radom wrote:

> I would love to see some samples.  I live on the road with my job, and can't attend meetings.  Are your smaples online somewhere, or could they be made available?
> dan
> * Ed Hill (ed at eh3.com) wrote:
>>Hi Dhruva,
>>I've been using \LaTeX since the early '90s and would be
>>happy to provide some example documents.  I think LaTeX
>>is much easier for beginners if they are given some
>>example files so (letters, articles, etc.) they can treat
>>them like templates...

Edward H. Hill III, PhD
Post-Doctoral Researcher    |  Emails:   <ed at eh3.com>, <ehill at mines.edu>
Division of ESE             |  URL:      http://www.eh3.com
Colorado School of Mines    |  Phone:    303-273-3483
Golden, CO  80401           |  Fax:      303-273-3311

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