[lug] e-mail addressing question

Timothy C. Klein teece at silverklein.net
Thu Dec 13 13:01:22 MST 2001

I am sure Exim could be mad to hanlde this, but I doubt it does by
default.  The alias features of Exim are quite powerful.


* J. Wayde Allen (wallen at lug.boulder.co.us) wrote:
> I've just been discussing e-mail addressing with one of our sysadmins, and
> I mentioned that I thought that if one's address is:
>    myname at somplace.org
> that the address
>    myname-something at someplace.org
> should also be correct.  I seem to remember reading something about this
> recently, but can't seem to located it.  As I recall it was a useful way
> of keeping track of list subscriptions.  You could for example subscribe 
> to a list as me-lug at somplace.org.  Does anyone know anything about
> this?  Have I got it all wrong?
> - Wayde
>   (wallen at lug.boulder.co.us)
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== Timothy Klein || teece at silverklein.net   ==
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