[lug] ip aliasing with a 2.4 kernel

Hugh Brown hugh at brownclan.org
Tue Feb 19 16:50:21 MST 2002

I'm trying to figure out how to do ip aliasing under the 2.4 kernel. 
There is a mini how to that says the 2.2 method has been replaced by a
new powerful method in 2.4 but doesn't say what it is.  It looks like
the ip command is my friend but I can't find any good documentation for

I tried something earlier and got some complaints.  I just tried it
again and it seems to have worked.

I'll send this anyway, because I found it useful and I hope someone else
will (and that my epiphany won't be a "well, duh" for everyone else).

The command I used was

ip addr add broadcast dev eth0

Anyone know of a slick way to make this part of the startup process
(e.g. something in /etc/sysctl.conf or similar)?

Okay, I played a bit more and then decided I was done so I deleted the
new address assignment.  The problem is that it still responds to ping
and if I ssh to the box it takes me to the right place (i.e. the machine
that I had previous assigned the address to).  What gives?  Is there an
arp cache somewhere that I have to wait for it to timeout?


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