[lug] dual boot

Crawford Rainwater crawford.rainwater at itec-co.com
Fri Mar 29 08:56:56 MST 2002

There should be something in the BIOS on the
ThinkPad to change the boot scan order.  Personal
experience and on my fourth generation of ThinkPads
(have an A21p now) on that one.  Might want to
have the user update the BIOS (or you do it
for him), unless it is right off the shelf.

I concur on Ed's links too, I found them very
useful, especially getting X-Windows to go

--- Crawford

> -----Original Message-----
> From: lug-admin at lug.boulder.co.us [mailto:lug-admin at lug.boulder.co.us]On
> Behalf Of Ed Hill
> Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 8:52 AM
> To: Boulder LUG
> Subject: Re: [lug] dual boot
> On Fri, 2002-03-29 at 08:31, Hugh Brown wrote:
> > I have a user that wants to dual boot his thinkpad.  Right now it has
> > winxp on it.  Since it is a thinkpad, it didn't come with a floppy drive
> > (and I have no usb external drive).  The user claims that it won't boot
> > off the cdrom (he couldn't find anything in the bios to set boot order).
> For help with specifics, find your laptop model at:
>   http://www.linux-laptop.net/
>   http://www.linux-on-laptops.com/ibm.html
> and you'll likely get plenty of helpful info.
> > What options do I have for partitioning programs that won't mess up xp
> > and how can I get this thing to boot to load linux?
> We're dual-booting WinXP and Linux (RH 7.2) on two systems here in our
> lab.  The default boot-loader (GRUB) in RH 7.2 auto-detects and works
> just fine with WinXP.
> > What options do I have for partitioning programs that won't mess up xp
> > and how can I get this thing to boot to load linux?
> Partition Magic has worked well for me (and PowerQuest gave my former
> LUG--TriLUG--a copy to be used at Installfests which was cool of them).
> > Also, does anyone know if it is possible to boot recent thinkpads from
> > their cd drive?
> Yes.  I've done exactly that on the following ThinkPads:
>   A22p, i1560, 600, 600X, T20
> and I'm sure that you can get the CD to boot on your model.  You may
> want to get a more recent Linux distro as I've seen some flakiness when
> using "older" kernels (early 2.4 series) on very new IDE chipsets.
> hth,
> Ed
> --
> Edward H. Hill III, PhD
> Post-Doctoral Researcher   |  Email:       ed at eh3.com, ehill at mines.edu
> Division of ESE            |  URL:         http://www.eh3.com
> Colorado School of Mines   |  Phone:       303-273-3483
> Golden, CO  80401          |  Fax:         303-273-3311
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