[lug] VNC serving KDE?

Glenn Murray gmurray at Mines.EDU
Mon Apr 1 14:52:11 MST 2002

Peter's advice below, along with putting the line "startkde &" in my
~/.xsession file did the trick.  The -depth option doesn't seem to
work, but I can live with that.

I'm hoping to use vnc to do a software demo for people looking on
with their browsers.  It would be nice if there were some way to
disable their keyboard and pointers as far as my desktop was
concerned.  This can be done with the Windows version.

Glenn Murray

On Sat, 30 Mar 2002, Peter Hutnick wrote:

> On Saturday 30 March 2002 12:21 am, Glenn Murray wrote:
> > I'm trying to get a vncserver working from a KDE desktop for a
> > presentation next week.  I'm having the problem of seeing gray static with
> > a cursor.  The VNC FAQ says I need to put "startkde&" into ~/.vnc/startx,
> > this didn't help.  I scoured the web, but no luck.  The client machines
> > are various OS's.  Has anyone managed to do this?
> Yup.
> I'm on Red Hat, so YMMV.
> I simply replace:
> $defaultXStartup
>     = ("#!/bin/sh\n\n".
>        "xrdb \$HOME/.Xresources\n".
>        "xsetroot -solid grey\n".
>        "xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title \"\$VNCDESKTOP Desktop\" &\n".
>        "twm &\n");
> by:
> $defaultXStartup
>     = ("#!/bin/sh\n\n".
>        "/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc &");
> that will square you away on new users.  For users that are already set up
> for VNC change the contents of ~/.vnc/xstartup to:
> #!/bin/sh
> /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc &
> Anyway I hope you get the idea.  You need to do your normal X init stuff in
> ~/.vnc/xstartup.
> Another hint.  I don't know if it was a bug in KDE or VNC, but it used to be
> that KDE would crash for me on startup with VNC in 8 bit color mode.  If you
> experience this the easy work around is to switch the server to 16 bit color
> and set the client to "restrict to 256 colors" or however that option is
> labeled.  Or if you are on a fast connection just burn twice the bandwidth.
> ;-)
> Good luck.
> -Peter

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