[lug] Jadetex issue

Chris Riddoch socket at peakpeak.com
Thu May 23 12:34:28 MDT 2002

Hi, everyone.

I'm still scratching my head over this one, and Google isn't helping
much on it. I'm running Debian testing. Various SGML and LaTeX things
have been upgraded in the past few months, but because I've only been
using the more basic LaTeX stuff instead of pdfjadetex and jade
recently, and because I knew my stuff worked last time I tried, I
suspect something got hosed on an upgrade.

socket at laptop:~/rufws/manpage$ make psandpdf
jade -t tex -d classstyle.dsl /usr/lib/sgml/declaration/docbook.dcl rufws.sgml
jadetex rufws.tex
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3.7)
(Fatal format file error; I'm stymied)
make: *** [psandpdf] Error 1

At this point, the files jade-out.fot and rufws.tex have been
generated from the jade command. The rufws.tex looks like a perfectly
legitimate input file to jadetex.  These are the first few lines, just
for verification:


jade-out.fot happens to be an empty file. That may be significant.

Installed package versions:
jade    1.2.1-28
jadetex 3.11-2

The LaTeX error message is wonderfully vague, and I'm feeling as
though the problem could really be anywhere.

Any ideas?

Chris Riddoch       | epistemological
socket at peakpeak.com | humility

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