[lug] Sending E-mail from Palm Pilot

Tkil tkil at scrye.com
Fri Jun 7 11:55:04 MDT 2002

>>>>> "Dhruva" == Dhruva B Reddy <bdhruva at gmx.net> writes:

Dhruva> I have just realized that I can write e-mail messages on my
Dhruva> Palm Pilot, and then send them out when I sync it with my PC.
Dhruva> I just tried using pilot-mail for this.

Dhruva> It works fine, but I would also like to append those sent
Dhruva> messages to the "Sent" folder on my PC (I use mutt).  Does
Dhruva> anyone know of an easy way to do this?

I've been in the habit of BCCing myself on all the e-mail I send.  It
shows up in my INBOX, not in my "sent mail" area, but I actually
prefer it this way -- my active conversations stay in one place
(INBOX) and interleaved in sequence.  While it's not exactly what you
want, this could at least guarantee that you have a copy of everything
you send out.


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