[lug] Can't write but 56% free?

John Karns jkarns at csd.net
Wed Jun 12 09:09:33 MDT 2002

On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, D. Stimits said:

> (growfs or partd I think?). One of the nice things about the XFS
> filesystem is that it can self-grow nodes if it needs them. Long story
> short, you might be advised to backup somewhere, reformat, and then
> restore, using a higher inode density during the format.

Interesting, Reiserfs doesn't seem to use inodes:

jkarns at jkInsp8000:~ > df -i
Filesystem            Inodes   IUsed      IFree IUse% Mounted on
/dev/hda5         4294967295       0 4294967295    0%          /

John Karns                                        jkarns at csd.net

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