[lug] cgi text format

j davis davis_compz at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 28 10:47:21 MDT 2002

thanks Ralf Mattes, i dont use get and i hate html formated mail


>From: rm at fabula.de
>Reply-To: lug at lug.boulder.co.us
>To: lug at lug.boulder.co.us
>Subject: Re: [lug] cgi text format
>Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 17:41:47 +0200
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>On Fri, Jun 28, 2002 at 09:15:41AM -0600, Paul Bille wrote:
> > jd > Is there away using cgi i can pass the info from the text box
> > preserving spacing and format?
> >
> > jd,
> >
> > I presume users enter text in your text-box as a string.  The browser
> > wraps the input to fit within the box but this is just for display.  The
> > string of text is returned to the server as a command line parameter,
> > appended to the URL pointing to your cgi application e.g.
> > 	http://www.taproot.bz/myapp.exe?This%xxis%xxthe%xxinput%xxtext.
>Only if you use GET as the form's method - not a good idea for longish
>text fields since the max. length of a GET request can be rather limited.
> > Everything after the ? Is the data from the text-box.  Some characters
> > are encoded including spaces and line feeds.  Your app must convert the
> > encoded characters back to the original character to restore the
> > formatting.
> >
> > A well written cgi application will allow the client to embed HTML
> > formatting commands into the text box.
>Hmm, he wants to send the content of the text box as a mail. Do we
>_really_ want HTML in emails :-? Noooo
>Back to the original question: the <textarea> tag has an optional
>parameter 'wrap' that can take one of three values:
>   off = no authomatic wrapping takes place.
>   virtual = the browser will wrap the text so it fits into the textbox
>   but will send the content as one string.
>   physical = wrap the text in the form and send the inserted line breaks
>   to the processing application.
>Hope this helps,
>      Ralf Mattes
> > Hope this helps,
> > Paul
> > http://bille.cudenver.edu/author
> >
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jd at taproot.bz

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