[lug] [OT] gdb question

rm at fabula.de rm at fabula.de
Tue Aug 6 08:08:48 MDT 2002

Hello list,

anyone here that know about the status of the 'future-break'
command that Apple added to gdb? I know that there was talk
about it in the gdb mailing list a while ago but it seems like
my Linux gdb (GNU gdb 2002-04-01-cvs) doesn't know about it.
I kind of got used to this feature and it would shure be handy
for debugging apache modules.
('future-break' allowsone to set breakpoint in code that isn't
yet loaded at invocation time. A common usage would be: you want
to debug function foo in a dynamically loaded module/library.
You can't set the breakpoint before starting to run the program
because gdb will complain that the function doesn't exist.)

 Ralf Mattes

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