[lug] wi-fi

Evelyn Mitchell efm at tummy.com
Tue Aug 13 15:22:42 MDT 2002

* On 2002-08-13 21:16 j davis <davis_compz at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a customer who has 2 buildings about 400 feet away from each
> other and there are no obstructions in between....So i would like to try
> to use wi-fi to get internet access to the other buliding..both buildings
> first point of accsess is a redhat firewall...Could someone recommend a good 
> name brand for equipment...i.e. roof mount transmitter and reciver..and a 
> good
> how to page.

jd, you'll want to ask this question on the burn list. It is a local
resource for wireless networking.
   Web subscribe: http://www.vieorhythms.com/mailman/listinfo/burn

Regards,                    tummy.com, ltd 
Evelyn Mitchell             Linux Consulting since 1995
efm at tummy.com               Senior System and Network Administrators

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