[lug] redhat beta musings

Kevin Fenzi kevin at scrye.com
Thu Sep 5 15:51:36 MDT 2002

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Some of us in the #colug irc channel on irc.community.tummy.com were
talking about the redhat beta. I have been using it on my laptop for a
while now, so I mentioned a few things that are in it... 

usermode linux kernel... so you can run linux under linux out of the box. 
 /etc/httpd/conf.d/ so you don't have to mod httpd.conf anymore
new gtk2 config tools... 
LVM support. 
mediacheck on all installs... nfs/ftp/etc...it will ask for mediacheckby default
the installer is in gtk2 now ... looks a lot nicer. 
new comps file format in xml. 
gnome 2.0, kde3...
no xfree 3.3.6 anymore, all 4.2.x now
gcc 3.2
python from this century. ;) 
no netscape... only mozilla now. 
no mp3 support. 
rpm now checks sigs on all packages it installs by default... so it will warn you if it's not signed or doesn't have the key. 
they moved all the rpm building stuff into 'rpmbuild'... 
rpm can now also suggest packages that you need to meet depends...
privoxy (filtering web proxy)... it's pretty nice... 

Anyone else out there using it? 
Anything to add to the list?

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