[lug] "New" wireless internet?

rise rise at knavery.net
Sat Sep 7 17:05:38 MDT 2002

On Thu, 5 Sep 2002, Justin-lists wrote:

> Nope, I think it may have been www.ricochet.com as mentioned in a previous
> reply, but if it was they changed their website.
> Weird thing about Qwest with my home is, my CO is wired for DSL already
> and I am close enough for SDSL (according to dslreports.com). But Qwest
> says I don't qualify *sigh* I don't see how it could be my line because
> the house is only a year old...oh well.

Check with someone at a CLEC DSL provider - Qwest will tell you don't
qualify if they currently can't provice service, but I've heard of
numerous instances (and experienced a few myself) where New Edge or Covad
could get DSL in when Qwest couldn't.  If you want to try New Edge their
resold by FRII and have a direct retail arm (TransEdge).  I'm going with
the latter, have been impressed by their technical bent and can get you a
contact address/number there.  It's always amusing to get an ARIN IP space
form with your agreement...

Jonathan Conway						      rise at knavery.net

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