[lug] (OT) Design Patterns in Object Oriented Programming

rjudd at mlug.missouri.edu rjudd at mlug.missouri.edu
Mon Sep 30 12:44:49 MDT 2002

The Boulder Patterns Group meetings are starting up again with the new
semester.  We are starting from scratch with classic GoF book, "Design
Patterns" and now would be a great time to join us.

For those who are unfamiliar, design patterns are a way to abstract
certain relations between classes and objects in your code.  This helps
you to recognise what is going on; promotes reuse of code; simplifies
implementation; and much, much more.  I even find the ideas useful in
functional programming.

If you are interested, then please see the announcement below.  All are
welcome.  There's also a slim chance that I will be teaching a course on
this at the University of Denver in the Winter or Spring quarter.

Cheers, Rob

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2002 11:59:27 -0600 (MDT)
From: Rob Judd <rjudd at mlug.missouri.edu>
To: designpatstudy at lists.community.tummy.com
Subject: [DesignPat] Meeting announcement

Dear Boulder Patterns Group members,

Please join us for the new term of meetings starting on October 7th.  The
meetings will be from 7pm to 9pm on the first and third Monday of each
month in ECCR 118, CU main campus - please see
for the dates and directions.

Last year we covered Shalloway and Trott's book and went all the way
through the Gang of Four (GoF).  We are going to take another run through
the GoF for those who missed meetings last time, and to get some
additional insight into the patterns - no-one is supposed to understand
everything the first time though.  In the first meeting we shall talk
about the introduction a bit and then discuss the patterns Adaptor,
Decorator and Composite.  If anyone would like to sign up to present any
of these patterns, then please email me; the more people presenting the
better things go in the meetings.

We should toss around ideas (or books) for further pattern discussion
while we going through GoF this time.  One suggestions is something along
the lines of POSA2 patterns for building distributed and multi-threaded
servers (http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/POSA/).

We are now sponsored by O'Reilly's user group program - they will give us
books to review and the occasional freebie.  If anyone is interested in
reviewing one of their books, then please email me at
rjudd at mlug.missouri.edu.


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I hope to see you there!

Rob Judd

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