[lug] mozilla 1.2.1

Jeff Schroeder jeff at neobox.net
Fri Dec 13 15:09:21 MST 2002

> What is happening is you had an existing process going minus the gui
> displaying it.  I've seen this behavior on a daily basis with many of
> my users Linux and Windows.
> just do a 'killall /usr/lib/mozilla-1.1/mozilla-bin' Your mozilla
> version/milage may vary. :)

Anothing thing to check is whether there's a "lock" file in your Mozilla 
home directory.  I've seen that happen if the process somehow exits 
abnormally.  The next time I try to start it, I get the Profile window 
and strange behavior.

On my system (yours will be similar but different) my lock file is at:



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