[lug] KRUD 8.0 (12/1/02) Install Issues

Michael Deck deckm at cleansoft.com
Mon Jan 13 16:14:58 MST 2003

I'm having a couple of problems upgrading to KRUD 8.0. The original installation was 7.2. 

I'd been having CD-ROM problems so I copied the contents of the 3 disks onto a local server from which I could do an HTTP install, created a boot floppy, and started. Selected "upgrade" and everything seemed to go fine. 

When I started a KDE session, though, all the taskbar icons except the red hat were little gears with nothing behind them. 

I tried erasing my home/.kde and that didn't fix the problem. That trick had fixed the problem on another machine. 

Then I did a bad thing and erased /etc/kde. Whoosh. Next restart, the only thing that comes up is a terminal window (not a console). Ick. 

So I thought I would smbmount the drive containing the KRUD copy and rpm -F kde*. After an hour of no apparent progress (but rpm and similar tasks in top), I killed it. 

Now I've fixed my CD-ROM problems so I figure I'll boot the 1st KRUD disc and upgrade. After selecting "Update boot loader configuration" it says "Finding packages to upgrade" and hangs here for 20+ minutes with no apparent progress. 

What to do? On this machine I'm cool with re-installing everything. This is my laptop and is pretty much a shadow system for traveling. 

The thing that worries me is, this upgrade was a test to see if there would be problems before I upgrade my main server. Experience says that upgrading the server can result in days of intermittent performance as I figure out what went wrong. So I'm really trying to understand what's up here so I can figure out what to plan for my "real" upgrade. 

Any thoughts? 


Michael Deck
Cleanroom Software Engineering, Inc.   

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