[lug] Expertise needed...but a Windows question

Case Jones philipj at interchange.ubc.ca
Wed Mar 19 16:22:43 MST 2003

On March 19, 2003 02:51 pm, The Matt wrote:
> To wit, I use a dual-boot XP/RedHat box connected to
> bridged DSL via an Actiontec 1520 modem (so I use Qwest),
> and I am having problems in XP[1].
> My problem is, for some reason, many programs will not
> connect to the internet.  For example, Mozilla 1.3a
> works, but 1.3b and 1.3 do not (they stop with an XPCOM
> like error).  Opera (latest version as of yesterday)
> doesn't work.  MikTeX Upgrade Wizard doesn't work (but
> did with an Intel USB modem!).  The old version of
> Spybot, does, the new 1.2 does not.

Since the computer can connect to the Internet under Linux, 
the problem is software rather than hardware.

As for possible problem areas, why not check your routing 
tables to see if they make sense.  In Windows 2000, the 
command is 'route PRINT'.  Under Linux, it is simply 
'route'.  You can get clues for the correct setup under XP 
by checking the XP settings against the Linux settings that 

And of course, you are right about dumping XP, I mean, why 
bother with it at all if it's so hard to use?  ;-)  


Case Jones
(Hollering from beautiful British Columbia, Canada, just a 
few degrees North of Redmond, WA..)

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