[lug] Remote mouse

Scott Herod herod at dimensional.com
Wed Mar 26 19:30:08 MST 2003

On Wed, 26 Mar 2003, Mickey Taylor wrote:

> Hi.
> I have a Gyration corless mouse that I want to use to give presentations
> in linux.  I have read some postings on the web that indicate that it
> should be possible to make this work... but have had no luck with what
> the postings suggested... here are the details.
> I am running RedHat 7.2 on a Compaq 1500T.  I consistently get the kudzu
> window recognizing the device as  keyboard rather than mouse (they do
> make a keyboard that works with the receiver).  This has persisted
> regardless of anything I have tried...


> So, does anyone have ideas on what else I can do to block recognition of
> the non-existent keyboard and get the mouse recognized instead??  Any
> suggestions greatly appreciated!
> Mickey

I used one of those awhile ago and managed to get it to work.  In my case,
I had both a keyboard and mouse talking to one usb receiver.  The only
problem that I had was getting the buttons on the "mouse" to appear
different from the keyboard keys that the Gyration folks had mapped them
to.  In my case, I hacked the usb driver a bit so that it added some
modifiers if the driver detected certain events coming from the gyration
device.  I'm afraid that I don't recall much of the details.

Can you boot the machine with a standard kb and mouse, then plug the
Gyration dongle in and start getting usb events?


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