[lug] OT: HTML Question (Don't know where else to turn.)

Peter Hutnick peter-lists at hutnick.com
Fri Mar 28 10:33:05 MST 2003

Sorry for being so off-topic.  I hope nobody gets too bent out of shape :-)

I'm having trouble with floating images in XHTML 1.0.  If I have two
floating images in two different <p>aragraphs I'd expect them to
vertically align.  But I find that they stair step instead if there isn't
enough text in the paragraph to force the subsequent image down.  See the
three images at the bottom of http://hutnick.com .

I'm interested in any suggestions that are valid XHTML that will produce
the effect I am looking for.

If it looks okay to anyone, please let me know what agent (browser) you
are using.  I'm at work and can only test with IE until I poke a hole in
my home firewall for VNC ;-)

Can anyone suggest a more appropriate venue for this sort of question?


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