[lug] Colorado "Super-DMCA" bill impacts on Internet, privacy, security

Glenn Ashton gfa at idiom.com
Fri Apr 11 10:04:42 MDT 2003

< gentle swat back at Mike>
"Michael Moore in 2004" for what? Chairman of the Socialist Party?
I find him entertaining, but he does not let himself be confused by facts.
</ end gentle swat at Mike>

This Super DCMA stuff needs to be stopped.  I am calling my representative
now.  The best thing to do is be polite and understand that the folks at
the state house aren't techies.

I might suggest messages like:

"This law potentially threatens the security of home and business users of
the internet."

"This is really poorly thought out special interest lawmaking that only
benefits a few telecommunications providers and the benefit is minimal
ocmpared to the far wider risks. Why aren't we instead holding these
companies feet to the fire on the promises that they made with respect to
911 enhancements on the cellular networks?"

"The technical economy in Colorado is struggling.  This bill could push
it's head under water and hold it there."

Your strategy might vary.  My thought is to keep it simple, but CALL! It's
important to be polite and clear.

-Glenn Ashton

On 11 Apr 2003, Michael J. Hammel wrote:

> I've avoided political involvements in the past because I hate
> arguments.  Bush changed my mind.  I think its time I got more active.
> I'm starting with a bumper sticker:  "Michael Moore in 2004."
> Is there a mailing list for political activism related to things like
> the DMCA?  It may not help much down here in Texas, but one has to try.
> --
> Michael J. Hammel                               The Graphics Muse
> mjhammel at graphics-muse.org                      http://www.graphics-muse.com
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