OT: Re: [lug] Letting Bush do the Arithmetic... Burning Books in Baghdad

Case Jones philipj at interchange.ubc.ca
Tue Apr 15 21:48:02 MDT 2003

Jeffrey Siegal wrote:
> Case Jones wrote:
>> Please forward widely.
> In other words, please spam.
> Please don't.

Everyone has an opinion, and I respect yours.  However, this is 
non-commercial email, and it was clearly labeled OT:, so you had ample 
opportunity to ignore it.  Anyone who decides to forward this 
information widely will be drawing attention to a topic that in many 
important locations has not been adequately covered.  'Chain mails' of 
this nature were big problems in the early days of the Internet because 
they caused massive infrastructure problems due to heavy email volume. 
This is not true anymore today, as the Internet has been immunized by 
automatic mass-mailers propagated by Outlook.


Case Jones

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