[lug] Perl Question..

Tkil tkil at scrye.com
Thu Apr 17 19:54:51 MDT 2003

>>>>> "Tkil" == tkil  <tkil at scrye.com> writes:

Tkil> 9. The more polite solution is to move the complex key
Tkil>    calculation off to the side:

Heh.  Probably the most "polite" method is really to use multiple
stages.  I just really enjoy map / sort / grep type things.

So, for maintainable code, I'd probably do something more along the
lines of:

   | my @info;
   | foreach my $file ( glob '*.html' )
   | {
   |     my ( $month, $year ) = split /\./, $file;
   |     my $key = sprintf "%04d-%02d", $year, int_month($month);
   |     my $html = qq|<a href="$file">$month - $year</a><br />\n|;
   |     push @info, [ $key, $html ];
   | }
   | foreach my $info ( sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @info )
   | {
   |     print $info->[1];
   | }

Although even now I'd be tempted to do another dirty trick, by taking
advantage of the fact that our sort key are fixed length:

   | my @info;
   | foreach my $file ( glob '*.html' )
   | {
   |     my ( $month, $year ) = split /\./, $file;
   |     my $key = sprintf "%04d-%02d", $year, int_month($month);
   |     my $html = qq|<a href="$file">$month - $year</a><br />\n|;
   |     push @info, $key . $html;
   | }
   | foreach my $info ( sort @info )
   | {
   |     print substr $info, 7;
   | }

So my full test program is now:

   | #!/usr/bin/perl -w
   | use strict;
   | {
   |     my %MONTHS;
   |     @MONTHS{ qw( Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
   |                  Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ) } = 1 .. 12;
   |     sub int_month ( $ )
   |     {
   |         my $in_abbrev = ucfirst substr $_[0], 0, 3;
   |         return $MONTHS{$in_abbrev} || 0;
   |     }
   | }
   | my @info;
   | # foreach my $file ( glob '*.html' )
   | foreach my $file ( grep { $_ } map { s/\s+\z//; $_ } <DATA> )
   | {
   |     my ( $month, $year ) = split /\./, $file;
   |     my $key = sprintf "%04d-%02d", $year, int_month($month);
   |     my $html = qq|<a href="$file">$month - $year</a><br />\n|;
   |     push @info, $key . $html;
   | }
   | foreach my $info ( sort @info )
   | {
   |     print substr $info, 7;
   | }
   | __DATA__
   | August.1998.html
   | December.900.html
   | December.1999.html
   | January.1997.html
   | November.2003.html

And it still works:

   | $ ./joey2.plx
   | <a href="December.900.html">December - 900</a><br />
   | <a href="January.1997.html">January - 1997</a><br />
   | <a href="August.1998.html">August - 1998</a><br />
   | <a href="December.1999.html">December - 1999</a><br />
   | <a href="November.2003.html">November - 2003</a><br />

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