[lug] Colorado 'Super-DMCA' bill impacts on Internet, privacy, security

Dhruva B. Reddy bdhruva at gmx.net
Fri Apr 18 09:34:59 MDT 2003


(After that big brouhaha, I'm afraid to post this to the list)

Are you still tracking this?  I understand that the House approved the
Senate's amendments on Monday, but I have another parliamentary procedure
question for you.  Does the governor have to ratify this (as is in the
U.S. Government)?


On Fri, 11 Apr 2003 at 19:35 -0600, Neal McBurnett soliloquized thusly:
> Today the House delayed action on the bill until Monday Apr 14th.  So
> there is still time to put together good arguments and contact your
> representatives.
> The account at this blog of the story in Massachusetts is encouraging:
>  http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/palfrey/2003/04/02#a82
> The EFF also is digging in to this:
>  http://www.eff.org/IP/DMCA/states/
> They have the best analysis and summary of the whole thing that I've
> yet run across, including a "redlined" version of the MPAA model
> legislation with extensive notes.
> -Neal

 "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary
 safety deserve neither liberty or safety. Nor, are they likely to end
 up with either."-- Benjamin Franklin

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