[lug] GPL/Open Source License Questions

Philip Cooper Philip.Cooper at openvest.org
Mon May 19 21:42:33 MDT 2003

On Mon, May 19, 2003 at 11:54:38AM -0600, Glenn Murray wrote:
> This isn't really a Linux question, but I know members of BLUG have an
> interest in this, and I'd like to get some of their collective wisdom
> on this issue 

This is a great place to discuss this.  If you want a barrel full of
license lawyers with loopholes you can post to
license-discuss at opensource.org.  Anyway here's my $.02

Why GPL? 

> Now I am not so sure that I am not violating the GPL.

That's the problem with GPL. with LGPL and bsd python mozilla zope and
plenty of others to choose from why GPL?  

Wait...I'll answer (for some anyway)...it's the one everyone's heard
of and everyone knows it drives Linux.  GPL is good for things like
OS's and core systems where you always want better things and the
latest fixes disseminated widely as possible.  Beyond that it is more
of a hinderance to open source computing than a help ...slight pause
while I don my asbestos undies...Far too many people release under GPL
without thinking about the consequences.  Apple could not have
developed os-X based on Linux.  GPL tells a user of the opensource
what he can't do with it.  It stifles the use of the software by
anyone who is concerend about their use or potential use far in the
future of some derivative of the code to have a valuable product.  

As Apple concluded, you are better off with a bsd style license or
python type license that lets the user do whatever he wants.  THAT's
open IMHO -- not RMS telling me that I can't use it if I want to sell
something unrelated but having some small part based on GPL code.  The
license is viral, infecting all code it's used in.  Opinions vary, but
any not avoid the confilct.

> Opinions?

My take: use a real open source license, not GPL
Opinionated enough? 

Oops, just re-read your opening...you wanted wisdom...sorry :-)


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