[lug] GPL/Open Source License Questions

Jeffrey Siegal jbs at quiotix.com
Tue May 20 03:46:37 MDT 2003

rm at fabula.de wrote:

> GPL's restrictions are hardest
> for me: i give up total control over my code. But that's the price
> i need to pay for being part of a code sharing comunity. It's up
> to the individual to join or not. 

Actually (as I think you were suggesting elsewhere, but not sure), this 
is only true if you *accept* contributions under the GPL, in which case 
you are a licensee, not a licensor  If you wrote all the code yourself 
(as the phrase "my code" suggests above), then you give up nothing by 
distributing under GPL, since you can always license under different 
terms as well.

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