[lug] OT: C++ question, const_iterator design

Tkil tkil at scrye.com
Mon Jun 2 00:40:51 MDT 2003

>>>>> "DS" == D Stimits <stimits at attbi.com> writes:

DS> To make a long story short, someone pointed out that the object I
DS> was using had to be const, which I did not believe was the case;
DS> however, after looking at it for a week, I found he was right. So
DS> the whole question was pointless, the const version of begin() was
DS> only called because the object was const, and had nothing to do
DS> with operator= overloads, nor method signatures.

Hm.  Well, as much as I enjoy being right (hoo boy, do I enjoy it), I
think that you might be missing the forest for the trees here.

Your goal is to be able to do a simple assignment from a (non-const)
".begin()" call into a const_iterator.  To quote Denis Leary: "Where's
the problem"?

A const_iterator has a stronger promise than a simple iterator; as
such, implementing a const_iterator as a dumbed-down iterator for a
given container makes perfect sense.

Which gets back to something you mentioned earlier: there's might not
be an automatic conversion, but if you build your const_iterator
constructor so that it can take a non-const element, you should be

This is acceptable, since "iterator" says "I can move around, examine,
and modify the contents of the associated container" while
"const_iterator" only offers "move around and examine" capabilities.
Put another way, you can use an iterator as a const_iterator, but not

In this case, since you're creating your own iterator objects, it
should be pretty straightforward to add the ability to create a
const_iterator from a (non-const) iterator.

The GNU STL has the following bit of code, which might be worth

      // Allow iterator to const_iterator conversion
      template<typename _Iter>
      inline __normal_iterator(const __normal_iterator<_Iter, _Container>& __i)
	: _M_current(__i.base()) { }

(in bits/stl_iterator.h)

Without being able to fully parse all the underscored grotesqueness of
that code, I'm relying on the comment to infer that this magic allows
any normal (non-const) iterator to be promoted to a const_iterator
(which, as explained previously, is perfectly reasonable, and ought to
be basically automatic).

So, if you want to create a const_iterator for your particular custom
container, taking a normal iterator and simply wrapping it so that it
is constant is not the end of the world, at least from an external
semantics point of view.

If your const_iterator is substantially different from your iterator
(say, for threading reasons you can use read-only locks in your
const_iterator, while you require read/write locks for your normal
iterator types) then you are in for a rougher road -- but remember
that, as a library provider, you are allowed to take "liberties" with
your classes that users are not supposed to take.

In particular, your const_iterator class could certainly be declared a
friend of your normal iterator class, and should thus be able to grab
the current location and container from the iterator class.  So all is
not lost.

Happy hacking,

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