[lug] upgrading from redhat-6.1

Kevin Fenzi kevin at scrye.com
Sat Sep 6 10:33:18 MDT 2003

Hash: SHA1

>>>>> "Jeffery" == Jeffery D Collins <jcollins at boulder.net> writes:

Jeffery> I'm helping a friend of mine to upgrade from redhat 6.1 to
Jeffery> krud 9.  It requires that the rpm packaging system be
Jeffery> upgraded from 3 to 4 (I presume).  Apparently, the packages

yeah, amongst many years of other updates. ;) 

Jeffery> can be found in the redhat errata, but I haven't been able to
Jeffery> find them.  Anyone know where they can be found?

First off, I would suspect it might be easier to just backup the users
data and do a clean install. If thats not possible however:

how are you doing the upgrade? If you boot from the cd and select
upgrade it will do all the work for you. You shouldn't probibly try
and upgrade manually via rpm command line or the like. 

6.1 might be too old to let the krud9 upgrade it by default (might say
it's too old), but you can force that with a:

linux  upgradeany

Jeffery> Thanks!
Jeffery> Jeff


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