[lug] Input needed

Andrew Diederich diederic at boulder.net
Wed Oct 1 17:08:39 MDT 2003

On Wed, 1 Oct 2003, Dan Ferris wrote:

> Suse OpenExchange is a good exchange alternative.  It uses Postfix for 
> the mail server, it has excellent web based configuration tools.  (It 
> isn't free though, but is a LOT cheaper than MS Exchenge).  You can also 
> use OpenExchange for regular user authentication since it uses LDAP for 
> its user database.

SuSE has done a good job adding new features to their mail server product.
That being said, I've never used the thing, but have followed the press
releases in case I was ever allowed to dump Exchange.  

What impresed me originally was they picked postfix, openldap, and cyrus
IMAP (plus SuSE linux) for it.  I had to build a single-use app for 
an email server (minus the web front end), and after a bunch of research
I used the same pieces.  It could just be that I'm vain, but I like
their components anyway.

They have a demo at http://www.suse.com/us/business/products/openexchange/Online_Demo.html

Andrew Diederich
diederic at boulder.net

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