[lug] SuSE v9.0 mouse strangeness

Gary Hodges Gary.Hodges at noaa.gov
Fri Nov 7 17:00:31 MST 2003

Michael Belanger wrote:
> I just got done wrestling with this!  The problem is the linux mouse 
> driver..
> http://web.belkin.com/support/faq_qa.asp?pid=190&cid=1 has one possible 
> answer.
> If that doesn't help, do a google search on KVM linux mouse erratic to 
> get other solutions.

FYI...  None of those fixes fixed the problem.  I saw post after post 
say that turning off gpm fixed the exact problem my colleague was 
having.  It will remain a mystery since she took this as an opportunity 
to put a second monitor, mouse and keyboard back in her office.  She 
didn't care for that switch too much.


> Gary Hodges wrote:
>> A colleague has v9.0 installed and has experienced strange mouse 
>> behavior twice now.  She has a wireless trackball that is hooked into 
>> one of those boxes that allows two PCs to use one monitor, keyboard 
>> and mouse.  This set up worked fine with Red Hat 7.2.  I installed 
>> SuSE on her machine two days ago.  She is using KDE.
>> When the problem occurs the mouse pointer keeps warping back to the 
>> bottom left corner of the screen.  If you try to move the mouse away 
>> from the corner it will at some point warp back to the bottom left.  
>> If you keep doing this you end up openning lots of windows.  Its like 
>> you might expect would happen if you repeatedly left clicked around 
>> the panel and start button while moving the mouse pointer around.  I 
>> was never able to move the mouse further than about mid-screen before 
>> it would warp back to the lower left.

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