[lug] 3D Accel, SuSE v9.0

Gary Hodges Gary.Hodges at noaa.gov
Thu Nov 13 08:30:41 MST 2003

I was playing around with a SuSE v9.0 install yesterday and ran into 
some video card config issues.  While exploring the system I noticed 
that the video card and monitor were not detected correctly during the 
install.  The installed card is a Matrox G450 and it was detected as a 
Matrox MGA G400 AGP.  Both the monitor and G450 were available choices 
in the YaST hardware settings and I went ahead and made the changes.

After making the changes the screen was right shifted a bit.  While 
going into the YaST tool to fix the screen I also enabled 3D 
Acceleration.  At that point I got a message box that states all 3D 
drivers in Linux are experimental.  Since this card worked in 3D with RH 
7.2 and with KRUD9 (maybe with some slight issues) I went ahead and 
enabled 3D Accel.

After making the changes I was prompted to test the new config.  When I 
did the machine locked.  I couldn't even ping it, so I hit the reset 
switch.  3D was still enabled but the screen was still right shifted.  I 
adjusted the screen with the YaST tool, tested the config, and the 
machine locked again.  OK, I wasn't going to let that get me again, so I 
went in and just turned off 3D Accel and saved the changes.  After 
restarting X I found 3D Accel to still be set.  I tried to turn it off a 
couple more times without luck.

For kicks I decided to run the Repair System feature on the boot DVD.  
After going through the tests it said I needed something called (I think 
it was) Hot Plug.  After agreeing to "fix" the system with this Hot Plug 
I rebooted the machine.  During the boot process it came to a message 
about Hot Plug, paused a minute, gave a message about not being able to 
start it, and then self rebooted the machine.  This repeated a couple 
times and I finally just reinstalled the OS.

OK, maybe its because I'm a gluten for punishment, but I really want to 
try enabling 3D Acceleration again.  If I get into the same issue as 
before, what file do I edit to turn off 3D Acceleration?   What should I 
look for in this file?


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