[lug] Weird Mailman Issue

Ryan Wheaton ryan.wheaton at comcast.net
Thu Dec 4 14:22:30 MST 2003

I think that I just figured out my problem and i feel really stupid for 
making such a big deal out of it.  Trouble is, I still don't know how 
to make it work like I want it to.

The program is actually doing what it is supposed to do.  When I enter 
my email address on the listinfo page and click the "Unsubscribe or 
edit options" button, it takes me to a page where I'm supposed to 
supply my password and log in so that I can edit options, click the 
unsub button, or remind me of my password -- the "user login page."   
What i'd like however, is for people to not have to enter a password, 
or to not have a password automatically created when i mass subscribe 
them.  Is there just an option somewhere that designates this?  or is a 
password always required?  Or is there a way to edit the user login 
page so that it only shows the unsubscribe button?

On Wednesday, Dec 3, 2003, at 16:41 America/Denver, Ryan Wheaton wrote:

> I've gotten everything set up / sending mail / receiving mail, etc. 
> This listserv is only going to be used as a newsletter type of deal, 
> and not a discussion list.  We're going to mass subscribe all of our 
> clients, and then if they want, they'll have the option to unsub.  
> I've even gotten the list set up so that only certain people can post 
> to it etc.
> I have been working on the customization of it, look and feel, etc. 
> And am now working on the unsub part.  I'm going through the admin 
> interface and editing the HTML.  I've edited the list's listinfo page 
> so that the only thing showing is the unsubscribe portion of it.  I 
> also edited the user specific options page so that there's only info 
> about unsub'ing with the unsub button and the checkbox saying "i'm 
> sure."  I thought that I had it all working great (worked great for 
> me), but when I tried it on other machines, it didn't work right.
> The listinfo page came up as i had customized it, but when you entered 
> your email address, it took you to a mailman user options page (like 
> it origionally was) instead of my customized page.  I couldn't quite 
> figure it out, so, in the same browser session, i went back to the 
> admin edit html interface and re-submitted the customized code without 
> making any changes.  Then (again in the same browser session) clicked 
> back to the listinfo page, entered my email address, and it took me to 
> the correct page.  When I close the browser and start over, it takes 
> me to the mailman page instead of the customized page.  I've done this 
> over and over again with the same results, on different machines and 
> with different browsers.  Any idea why it would display the correct 
> page only sometimes?
> I've stopped and started apache, and I don't see any offending URL's 
> in the apache logs (all the URLs in the logs show up as the same as 
> the listinfo page for the list), and i'm at about wit's end.  I was 
> going to have my programmer look at the python code tomorrow to see 
> what may be going on, but i'm not sure that will be much help.
> Thanks for listening, and i sure hope someone can help.
> -ryan
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