[lug] Locking Virtual Terminal

Stephen Queen svq at peakpeak.com
Fri Mar 19 05:40:15 MST 2004

On Wed, 17 Mar 2004, David Anselmi wrote:

> Stephen Queen wrote:
> [...]
> >>vlock
> >>
> >>http://freshmeat.net/projects/vlock/
> >>http://packages.qa.debian.org/v/vlock.html
> >
> > Thanks, that works great!
> Interesting, but how is it different than logging out?  Obviously there
> are significant technical differences, but practically?
Sorry I didn't answer this yesterday.

I had some programs running that would have stopped running if I closed
the terminal/logged out. It just felt easier to lock the terminal than
do anything else.

By the way, freshmeat also had a program called TLOCK, that
locks a tty terminal.


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